Noarlunga Hospital upgrades for older patients

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Southern Adelaide LHN and the Hospital Research Foundation Group have teamed up to fund the project.

Older patients at Noarlunga Hospital in the Southern Adelaide Local Health Network and those with dementia or cognitive impairment now have a purpose-built space adapted to their needs, following a redevelopment of its Whittaker Ward.

The upgrades include a new patient gym, diversional therapy space, occupational therapy kitchen, fully refurbished nurses’ station, new staff kitchen and meeting area and larger medical office. A sensory garden is also coming soon.

The Hospital Research Foundation Group contributed $580,000 to the project, alongside $400,000 from the SALHN.

Whittaker Ward has 25 beds and provides hospital-based specialist rehabilitation services to people aged over 65, including patients with dementia or cognitive impairment. Staff support patients with daily activities to help them retain these functions and safely return to community living.

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