DoHAC’s aged care B2G portal to go live ‘shortly’

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The portal will let aged care providers test their software against department requirements.

Aged care software providers will soon be able to test their software against the requirements of the DoHAC, thanks to a new business-to-government developer portal which will go live shortly.

Emma Cook, acting assistant secretary at DoHAC’s digital reform branch, speaking at the Department’s regular aged care update webinar, said that the portal would soon be made publicly available and would allow the sector to see that software meets the requirements of the department.

Developers will go through a formal process of having their software assessed and confirmed.

“That will in time be available to aged care providers through the software that they use in delivering care every day,” she said.

The portal will provide a vehicle of software developers to test their connections with the department using public APIs.

B2G will enable direct data exchange between aged care providers and government systems, enabling providers to spend more time providing direct care.

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The portal includes a software conformance process that has been developed with the support of the Australian Digital Health Agency to ensure the safe and secure use of the B2G gateway for all participating software products and their users.

The ability to request conformance assessment was not yet available in the current version of the developer portal.

Josh Maldon, DoHAC’s assistant secretary in the aged care choice and transparency branch, said the department was currently leading the development of an aged care digital strategy, which will seek to ensure that the points of connection between older Australians, aged care providers, software vendors and government are simplified, digitised and automated.

The work is currently in its consultation phase, but a draft strategy is expected to be released in October, with a final strategy released at the end of the year.

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