Wild Health Summit: A patient’s perspective on right information, right time

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In this video, Tim Pegler, senior business development manager for MediRecords talks about empowering patients to take control of their healthcare data.

Tim Pegler, senior business development manager for MediRecords, puts his consumer and carer’s hat on for this talk, in which he uses three real-world examples of how access to accurate information made a difference to consumer health outcomes.

One of them was his wife Kristin’s brain surgery and the “small contribution” Mr Pegler could make to her safety and quality of care by being able to access her MyHealthRecord through a phone app when the ICU pharmacist needed accurate information about her medication dosages.

More than 90,000 people have accessed MediRecords’ patient app, he says.

“We plan to extend its functionality and transition to a web portal optimised for mobile use. That will be happening some time early next year,” he said.

In this 10-minute video Mr Pegler explains how MediRecords, as a true cloud platform, could transform the healthcare experiences of Australians.

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